Got litter box troubles?

Litter box avoidance is a common and frustrating problem. But know this: you don’t have to put up with messes. All it takes is a little litter box education and some insight into the behaviour of your cat.

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Adele Niccol
Cats at home vs allowed to roam

Your cat can be happy and fulfilled at home, where they are safe, without the need to roam. If you put some thought into their home environment, your cat’s natural behavioural needs can be met and you’ll likely share a longer, healthier, closer relationship with your furry friend.

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Adele Niccol
Is your pet struggling to move?

Is your dog slowing down in the mornings and getting gingerly out of the car? Perhaps your cat is not leaping from the bench top anymore, instead taking an easier route down? If your pet is struggling to move, they could find great relief by seeing an animal chiro.

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Adele Niccol